PHP Classified Ads Main Features
Responsive website layout
Adapting front site layout, optimized for mobile devices like tablets and phones
SEO Friendly
Using urls looking like static html pages, keywords in the page titles and descriptions and others to improve the ranking of the website in search engines
Administration panel to manage the configuration options
Manage and set the different configuration options like your own categories list, time zone, currency, payment settings and others
Grid and list view search results
The users can choose the display format of the search results
Google Maps integration with GeoCoding
Allowing the users to quickly add a map to their listing by entering an address
Using a language file (text file having the words and messages showing up on the user interface), which can be easily translated to new languages. It's possible to have multiple languages added on the website and let the users choose the language they prefer.
Pricing plans management
Functionality for the administration to create different pricing plans with different features (like featured or regular status, number of categories in which the listings can be submitted, dofollow or nofollow links) and charge the users depending on which pricing plan they select for their classified ad
Multiple levels of listing categories
It's possible to create category lists with multiple category levels including main categories, subcategories of the main categories, subcategories of the subcategories etc.
Functionality to set the pricing separately for the different categories
The administrator can set separately (if he prefers so) the pricing for posting an ad in the different categories
Template based
The front site design is template based, the templates can be customized and also new custom ones can be added
Custom fields for the subcategories and fields inheritance
Functionality allowing to define custom fields for main and subcategories. When a sub category is selected, it shows its custom fields and the ones of its parent categories (fields inheritance)
Facebook Login
Allowing the users to directly login with their Facebook account and skip the registration
Integrated web installer
The integrated web installer makes easy the installation on your server or hosting package; we also offer free installation on request
Customize the website colors and design from the admin panel
Functionality allowing the administrator to customize the website colors and design directly from the admin panel - choose between predefined colors and skin or set custom accent color
Adding custom fields from the administration panel
Functionality for the administrator to create custom fields for the classified ads directly from the admin panel and without having to modify any of the source files.
Integration with PayPal, 2checkout, Skrill and others
Integration with PayPal and other payment systems in order that you can use your preferred payment system to charge the users
Banners Management
feature allowing the administrator to create different banner areas and let the users upload banners in them (by charging a fee)
WebSite Content Management
Modify the content of the pages with the WYSIWYG editor
Add New Pages, Remove or Rename the existing ones
Add new pages easily (that will show up in the website navigation menus) directly from the admin panel, set the content you prefer
and many others ... click here to check out our demos
Combine it with some of our other products

for real estate listings and feature for the real estate agents to post properties